“It starts very early and for those girls and young women who do receive really good information and education about what they can do to help themselves, there is ample evidence that shows they are much healthier”

– Professor Dame Lesley Regan

Professor Dame Lesley Regan

In this podcast episode we look at the big picture view of what is really required to optimise women’s health for all.

Professor Dame Lesley Regan is a Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Imperial College London and Consultant at St Mary’s Hospital in London. She is also Honorary Secretary of FIGO, a member of the NHS Assembly and Chair of the Charity Wellbeing of Women.

She was the 30th President of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) (2016-2019) and only the second woman to be elected to this position and the first in 64 years. During her tenure as PRCOG she co-chaired the National Women’s Health Task Force with Jackie Doyle-Price MP (then Health Minister) and authored “Better for Women”, a hard hitting RCOG report which promotes a life-course approach to the delivery of women’s health services.

Having graduated from the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London in 1980, Professor Regan pursued her training at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, where she first became enthused by clinical and laboratory research, completing her MD on miscarriage. She went on to set up the world’s largest recurrent miscarriage clinic at St Mary’s Hospital in London.

In 2015 she received a Doctorate of Science from University College London for her contribution to women’s health. In 2020 she was awarded a DBE for her services to women’s health in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List.


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Wellbeing of Women

Fair Society Healthy Lives (The Marmot Review)

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)