“IVF stands for in vitro fertilisation and what that means is in vitro is something that happens in a test tube or in a petri dish in a laboratory and fertilisation is when a sperm and an egg meet and fuse and hopefully create a baby.”
– Dr Ally Richardson

Dr Ally Richardson Consultant Gynaecologist

Thousands of people every year embark on IVF treatment. It can be a challenge, as there is a lot of new terminology to get to grips with in a short space of time. In this episode we look at all the different stages of IVF, and make it easy to understand how general IVF treatment works.

To understand more about the IVF process listen to Ally Richardson (@drallyr), who is our guest and a Consultant Gynaecologist and Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery in the East Midlands.  She has nearly 10 years’ experience in the field of fertility including time spent completing research for her PhD.  Ally is therefore well published and has given numerous presentations at both national and international conferences.  Her recent research efforts have focussed on the use of androgen priming in women with reduced ovarian reserve, whether a woman’s chronological age or ‘ovarian age’ is more important in determining perinatal outcome after IVF and the effect of deprivation on IVF outcome.  Clinically, she has a particular interest in ovarian reserve, premature ovarian insufficiency and fertility preservation.  Ally also has an interest in medical education and sits on related committees at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the British Fertility Society.


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Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

British Fertility Society