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Fertility Clinics in Spain


Background Spain is a popular country to travel to for IVF and egg donation. There are numerous private IVF clinics across Spain with good success rates. The larger centres will probably have an international administrative team to deal with enquiries from outside of Spain. Pretty much all clinics will have excellent spoken and written English, making communication easy.
Travel facts Capital city Madrid
Language Spanish
Time zone GMT +1
Currency Euros
Flight duration 2hrs 45 mins from London
Passports & visas British citizens need a valid passport but a visa is not required to enter Spain
Health & Safety You should take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance to cover you while you are away. Get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) as this entitles you to emergency medical care on the same terms as Spanish nationals.
Spanish cities Madrid – Barcelona – Valencia – Seville – Bilbao – Malaga
Best time to go The heat really starts to pick up from May and by August the daily temperature is regularly over 30 degrees Celsius.
Egg donation Egg donation in Spain is anonymous and so there are very often a surplus of egg donors and no waiting lists for recipients. Although this may appear very commercially driven Spain has in fact some of the highest standards for screening it’s donors. Many egg donors are in fact rejected due to these standards.
Embryo donation Most clinics offer embryo donation. Donors tend to be plentiful and anonymous. Embryo storage time is not restricted so a surplus of embryos can result from this.
Age limit Rarely treat patients over 50- years old. No laws exist
No. embryos Up to 3 embryos are replaced in some centres
Sex selection Not available
Egg/sperm donors Anonymous and can create up to 6 children
Surrogacy Not recognised
Egg Freezing
Safety & quality Clinics in Spain report to regional government and are well regulated. Treatments are tightly  and carefully monitored. Therefore the
Success rates One of the most popular countries for egg donation due to higher than average success rates. If using own eggs most clinics are good.
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