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Fertility Clinics in Greece


Background Greece is easily accessible and a popular option for people traveling abroad to have IVF treatment. Greece has a large number of ivf clinics throughout the country and the competitive prices means that they fare well against other European countries. The clinic staff are well trained and knowledgeable.
Travel facts Capital city Athens
Language Greek
Time zone GMT +2
Currency Euro
Flight duration 3-4 hours from Gatwick
Passports & visas British citizens need a valid passport but a visa is not required to enter Greece currently.
Health & Safety You should take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance to cover you while you are away. Get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) as this entitles you to emergency medical care on the same terms as Greek nationals.
Greece cities Athens – Thessaloniki – Patrai – Piraeus
Best time to go If you prefer cooler weather then Spring and Autumn are for you. If you visit in the Summer months then temperatures can be over 30 degrees Celsius. July and August are particularly hot often without any rain.
Egg donation Egg donation is anonymous so there is often an abundance of egg donors and usually no waiting lists. Greece is a popular destination for egg donation as prices are lower than most European countries. The donors are all rigorously screened for infections (Hepatitis B & C, HIV) and in some clinics psychologically too for their suitability to become an egg donor. No National register exists so it can be difficult to monitor how many times a donor donates eggs.
Embryo donation Embryo donation is permitted in Greece if couples have surplus embryos. However, clinics may prefer to offer embryos created by two donors as success rates can be higher with “Double donation”. Carefully screening two young donors donating their eggs and sperm may create higher quality embryos overall than couples who may have underlying fertility issues.
IVF laws IVF/ICSI Same sex couples are not really permitted unless they agree to be treated as a single woman using donor sperm and they must possess official deeds stating this to be the case. These deeds can be arranged in Greece.
Age limit The upper age limit is 50 years old for females.
No. embryos Under 35 years – one/two embryos are permitted

35-40 years – One/two embryos but three if two previous failed cycles

40 years old – three embryos can be transferred

Over 40 years – up to four embryos can be transferred

Sex selection Not permitted unless for medical reasons
Egg/sperm donors Anonymous in Greece
Surrogacy Permitted but on medical grounds and with legal agreements in place.
Egg Freezing Social freezing of eggs and sperm is permitted in Greece and with the option for embryo storage also
Safety & quality The Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction is the regulatory body that licences clinics ensuring patients receive reliable and trustworthy care when going through IVF.
Success rates Results are in general above the European averages for both standard IVF treatments using own eggs as well as with donor eggs.


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