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Fertility Clinics in Cyprus


Background There are IVF clinics in both the North and South of Cyprus but these different regions are controlled by different laws with regards IVF. The country is a popular destination for tourists and those seeking IVF treatment. The North of Cyprus is temporarily outside EU legislative control due to the ongoing dispute between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
Travel facts Capital city Nicosia
Language Greek Cypriot
Time zone GMT +2
Currency Euros
Flight duration 4 hours  30 minutes (from London)
Passports & visas British citizens need a valid passport but a visa is not required to enter Cyprus
Health & Safety You should take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance to cover you while you are away. Ensure you get a specific kind of European travel insurance policy that includes cover for Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey and Greece.

A European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles you to emergency medical care on the same terms as Cypriot nationals. The EHIC won’t cover repatriation.`c

Cyprus cities Nicosia – Limassol – Larnaka – Paphos – Famagusta – Kyrenia
Best time to go Cyprus is set in the South Mediterranean and enjoys some 340 days of sunshine a year. Mild temperatures in the winter and very hot summers with temperatures in the Summer months rising well in the thirties.
Egg donation Donors are anonymous so there is no shortage of donors and no waiting lists. In the North: There is no central register of donors in the North of Cyprus. Whilst they are not meant to donate more than 5 times this is difficult to monitor. In the South: The Cyprus Ministry of Health hold a central register of donors. Donors may donate once to Cypriot residents but to non-residents it depends on the laws in their country of residence. All donors are screened for infectious diseases.
Embryo donation This is permitted in both North and South Cyprus
IVF laws


IVF/ICSI Single women and same sex couples can be treated
Age limit 45 years (with discretion up to 55 years)
No. embryos 3 embryos maximum
Sex selection This is not permitted for family balancing
Egg/sperm donors Donors are anonymous and must be under 35 years
Surrogacy Not permitted
Egg Freezing Permitted
IVF laws


IVF/ICSI Single women can be treated
Age limit 50 years
No. embryos 2 embryos maximum
Sex selection This is not permitted for family balancing
Egg/sperm donors Donors are anonymous and must be under 35 years
Surrogacy Permitted
Egg Freezing Permitted
Safety & quality The North and South of Cyprus are regulated differently. Clinics in the South of Cyprus falls under EU legislation with results collected by a regulatory body. All clinics in the North of Cyprus must be licensed and the Health Ministry will perform annual spot inspections to monitor standards. Depending on which region of Cyprus you visit ensure your medical and travel insurance is appropriate.
Success rates Success rates in the North are not collated by a regulatory body and so it is important to gather as much information from clinics as possible. The clinics in the South do have their success rate data collated but you will still need to research this.
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