“Add-ons are any additional extra alongside an IVF treatment cycle that you can have with the aim of improving the success rate of that cycle.”

– Sarah Armstrong

Dr Sarah Armstrong Fertility

Anyone looking at fertility treatment cannot fail to have to make difficult decisions about whether to use IVF ‘add-ons’ in their treatment. In this episode we look at IVF add-ons, explain what they are and why they are such a controversial area of IVF treatment.

Dr Sarah Armstrong is the current Subspecialty trainee in Reproductive Medicine in Oxford, spending time training at both the John Radcliffe Hospital and Oxford Fertility. Sarah is an experienced researcher in the field of IVF, with expertise in systematic reviewing and randomised controlled trials. She is an editor and author for Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility, and is currently undertaking an MD with the University of Sheffield focusing on the quantitative and qualitative evidence behind IVF add-ons.


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Show Notes & Links

HFEA – Treatment Add-ons

Total Fertility – Article on add-ons