A range of free and paid-for online courses to help individuals and couples better understand fertility, the full list of struggles the so many have people have but don’t discuss, and the treatments available including IVF. Each fertility course is made up easily digestible lessons combining short films by fertility experts, illustrations and downloadable documents which can be watched or studied in your own time, in the comfort of your own home, helping you understand your how pregnancy occurs, issues that arise, your situation if it’s already been diagnosed and possible solutions.
Understanding Fertility – 5 lessons
Reproduction & biology
Getting pregnant naturally
Barriers to pregnancy
Diagnosing fertility problems
Fertility treatments
IVF – In Vitro Fertilisation – 11 lessons
An overview of IVF
The IVF timeline
IVF Stimulation Protocols
Conventional IVF or ICSI
Embryo development in the laboratory
Which Embryo to transfer
IVF Success Rates
Transferring fresh or frozen embryos
How many embryos to transfer at once
Risks of IVF
Costs of IVF
Lifestyle, diet & supplements – 8 lessons
Lifestyle factors and fertility
Body Fat and Fertility
Smoking and Fertility
Alcohol and Caffeine and Fertility
Exercise and Fertility
Food and Fertility
Supplements and Fertility
Environmental toxins and Fertility
Egg Freezing – 6 lessons
What is egg freezing?
Should I freeze my eggs?
Freezing eggs or freezing embryos?
When to freeze your eggs?
What are the risks of egg freezing?
Egg freezing costs
Embryo Transfer – 5 lessons
Embryo transfer in IVF cycles
Single or double embryo transfer
Fresh or frozen embryo transfer
Natural or Medicated frozen embryo transfer
Dispelling the myths
Fertility Education in Schools – 9 lessons
The body during puberty
Female menstrual cycle
Preventing pregnancy
Planning a pregnancy
Factors affecting fertility
Sexually Transmitted infections
Modern Families (LGBTQ+)
Planning fertility
Fertility Treatments